Emergency Management



Our mission is to coordinate and facilitate Florida A&M University’s emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation activities to protect our students, faculty, staff, resources and infrastructure in order to maintain or restore university operations.  



What We Do

FAMU’s Department of Emergency Management is responsible for the following:

  • Develop and maintain the FAMU Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
  • Develop, plan, and evaluate emergency exercises
  • Emergency Operations Center Management
  • Provide training for individuals that have emergency management roles and responsibilities
  • Provide the university with preparedness information 



Meet the Emergency Management Leadership Team




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Different types of weather
Current Weather Info

Housing Event
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Hazard Specific Emergency Information


Florida A&M University Emergency Communications Network is utilized to alert faculty, staff and students of imminent and urgent situations that may affect the campus. In an emergency, notifications to students, faculty, staff and visitors would begin immediately or as soon as information is available.

The components of the Campus Emergency Communications Network that may be used are:

• Campus Alert System – FAMU ALERT

• Stay calm and focused.

• Immediately call 911 or use an Emergency Call Box to report the incident and provide the location.

• Comfort the patient and reassure them that medical assistance is coming.

• Avoid moving the patient unless necessary for safety reasons.

• If you have received proper training, use pressure to stop bleeding and provide basic life support such as Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

• Be aware of the potential hazards of bloodborne pathogens, and take precautions to avoid contact with bodily fluids. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, or masks. If you are exposed to suspected infectious material, thoroughly wash the exposed area with soap and water and seek medical attention.

• Remember not to risk your health or the patient's health while providing first aid. If you are not trained or equipped to provide appropriate first aid safely, wait for professional help to arrive.

For more information – please contact:
Student Health Services

Fires can seriously threaten the safety of individuals in a building. It is important to know how to respond to a fire emergency to ensure the safety of everyone. Here are some steps to take in case of fire.

If You Discover Smoke or Fire:

• If it is safe, remove everyone from immediate danger and close the door to confine smoke and fire.

• Activate the building fire alarm at a pull station along your evacuation route.

• If the fire is small enough and you are properly trained, take immediate action to control the fire with available firefighting equipment.

• If leaving a room, feel the door with the back of your hand before opening it. Do not open any door that feels hot.

• Refrain from returning to your area for personal belongings.

• If smoke is present, stay low. The best quality of air is near the floor. Proceed to the stairwell and exit to the ground floor.

• After safely leaving the danger area, dial 911 to notify the University Emergency Dispatch Center.

If You Catch on Fire:


• STOP where you are.

• DROP to the ground.

• ROLL over and over to smother flames.

If You Are Trapped and Cannot Evacuate:

• If available, wedge wet towels or cloth materials along the bottom of the door to keep out smoke.

• Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.

• Use the telephone to call 911 and notify the University Emergency Dispatch Center of your problem and location.

• If you are trapped in an area and need oxygen, only break the window as a last resort.

• Use caution when breaking the window.

Response to Fire Alarms:

• If the alarm sounds and emergency strobes begin to blink, evacuate immediately.

• Never assume a fire alarm is a false alarm!

• Do not use the elevators!

• Do not return for personal belongings.

• Direct and assist visitors and persons with disabilities who appear to need direction or assistance.

• Return to the building only when instructed by authorized personnel. If you decide to try and extinguish a small fire with a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym P.A.S.S. (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep).

• It is essential to follow all safety protocols and procedures to prevent fires and ensure the safety of everyone in the building.

For more information – please visit:
Department of Environmental Health and Safety

• Stay calm in the event of a utility failure.

• The Campus Facilities utility system is complex and may experience some type of failure. 

• If you discover a significant water leak, gas leak, or other major utility failure, call the FAMUPD Dispatch Center at 850-599-3256. Only call the FAMU PD Dispatch Center for emergencies requiring assistance. 

• Only try to fix the issue if you are authorized and qualified. 

• Assist others in your immediate area who may need to become more familiar with the building or workspace. 

• Turn off equipment, such as computers and monitors, to prevent potential damage once power is restored. 

• If you are in a dark area, proceed carefully to an area with emergency lighting. 

• Stay calm in an elevator and use the emergency button or phone to alert authorities. Do NOT try to open the elevator car door or move the car in any way unless directed to do so by emergency personnel.

For more information please visit:
Office of Facilities and Planning, Construction, and Safety

A shelter-in-place warning may be issued for various reasons, such as severe weather, hazardous materials exposure, suspicious intruders, hostage situations, or any situation where it is safest to stay indoors to avoid uncertainty outside. Everyone needs to understand the different threats and plan accordingly to prepare for all possibilities.

While employees cannot generally be forced to shelter, there are circumstances when Florida A&M University officials may order everyone to stay put for their safety and well-being. Therefore, it is essential to consider sheltering in place in advance to avoid confusion and promote cooperation.

Local authorities may only sometimes be able to provide immediate information on the situation and what you should do. Therefore, staying alert for instructions and updates through FAMU ALERT is vital.

In the event of a shelter-in-place situation:

  1. Do not allow any students to leave if the class is in session.
  2. Instruct everyone to remain in their rooms if you are in a residential hall.
  3. Keep everyone calm and away from windows, doors, and outside walls.

For severe weather, internal hallways typically provide the best protection. Otherwise, enter an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible. For intruders, secure doors and seek concealment away from windows and doors. Turn off the lights and close the blinds. 

Ensure that everyone, including faculty, staff, students, and visitors, is accounted for as they arrive in the shelter. Stay in the shelter location until the danger has passed.

“If you see something, say something”

Florida Department of Law Enforcement

Signs of Suspicious Activity

Whether you are on your way to school, work, shopping at a store, or traveling on vacation, remember: We all play a role in keeping our communities safe. Remember to stay alert and say something when you see something suspicious. The below activities should only be reported if they are conducted in a manner that would arouse suspicion of terrorism.

See Something Say Something – Recognize the Signs

• Expressed or Implied Threat
Communicating a spoken or written threat to commit a crime that could harm or kill people or damage a facility, infrastructure, or secured site.

• Observation / Surveillance
A prolonged or unusual interest in facilities, buildings, or infrastructure beyond casual or professional interest.

• Photography
Taking pictures or videos of persons, facilities, buildings, or infrastructure in a covert manner, such as photos or video of security related equipment or personnel, infrequently used access points, or structure of a building.

• Theft / Loss / Diversion
Stealing or diverting items—such as equipment, uniforms, or badges—that belong to a facility or secured site.

• Testing or Probing of Security
Challenging or testing a facility's security or IT systems to assess the strength or weakness of the target.

• Aviation Activity
Operating or interfering with the operation of an aircraft that poses a threat of harm to people and property.

• Breach / Attempted Intrusion
Unauthorized people trying to enter a restricted area or impersonating authorized personnel.

• Misrepresentation
Presenting false information or misusing documents to conceal possible illegal activity.

• Eliciting Information
Questioning personnel beyond mere curiosity about an event, facility, or operations.

• Acquisition of Expertise
Gaining skills or knowledge on a specific topic, such as facility security, military tactics, or flying an aircraft.

• Cyberattack
Disrupting or compromising an organization’s information technology systems.

• Recruiting / Financing
Funding suspicious or criminal activity or recruiting people to participate in criminal or terrorist activity.

• Sabotage / Tampering / Vandalism
Damaging or destroying part of a facility, infrastructure, or secured site.

• Materials Acquisition / Storage
Acquisition and/or storage of unusual materials such as cell phones, radio controllers, or toxic materials.

• Weapons Collection / Storage
Collection or discovery of unusual amounts of weapons including explosives, chemicals, or other destructive materials.

• Sector-Specific Incident
Actions which raise concern to specific sectors (e.g., power plant) with regard to their personnel, facilities, systems, or functions.

For more information – please contact:
Campus Police Department:

Report a Crime


An active threat can be a dangerous situation that requires quick action to ensure your safety. Knowing how to respond to an active threat is important to increase your chances of survival. Here are some steps to take:

You have three options:


• Have an escape route and plan in mind.

• Leave your belongings behind.

• Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.

• Help others escape, if possible.

• Do not attempt to move the wounded.

• Discourage others from entering an area where the active threat may be.

• Keep your hands visible.

• Do not gather in facility accountability areas.



• If you are in a building without exterior electronic locks, lock exterior doors.

• If in a building with electronic locks, verify they have been locked.

• Find an interior room; lock, barricade, and secure the door using a lockdown button or other method.

• Be prepared to support/reinforce your barricade with force if necessary.

• Get out of sight: turn off lights, silence phones, cover windows in doors, draw blinds, and move away from windows.

• If outdoors, seek shelter in the nearest unlocked building.

• If the closest buildings are locked, move as far away from the danger as possible, seek cover (large trees, walls, cars in a parking lot, etc.), move to another building, or leave campus if it is safe.

• Unfamiliar voices may be the threat attempting to lure victims from their safe places.

• Please do not respond to voice commands until you can verify that a police officer is issuing them.

• If you can do so without jeopardizing your safety, report information about the location of the threat by calling 911 or via FAMU ALERT (if you have the app).

• If the threat is in your area and you cannot safely talk, leave the 911 line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place. Normally, the location of a 911 call can be determined without speaking.



• Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.

• Attempt to incapacitate the threat.

• Act with as much physical aggression as possible.

• Improvise weapons or throw items at the active threat.

• Commit to your actions. Your life depends on it.

• The first officers to arrive on the scene will not stop to help the injured.

• Expect rescue teams to follow initial officers.

• These rescue teams will treat and remove the injured.

• Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

• It is essential to follow all safety protocols and procedures to increase your chances of survival in the event of an active threat.


Active Shooter Safety Resources

FAMU PD Active shooter training video

IS-907: Active Shooter: What You Can Do

IS-905: Responding to an Active Shooter: You Can Make a Difference


For more information – please visit:

Active Shooter Attacks: Security Awareness for Soft Targets and Crowded Places (cisa.gov)

Active Shooter: How to Respond

The FAMU Department of Campus Safety and Security

Bomb threats are most commonly received via phone, but are also made in person, via email, written note, or other means. Every bomb threat is unique and should be handled in the context of the facility or environment in which it occurs. Facility supervisors and law enforcement will be in the best position to determine the credibility of the threat. Follow these procedures:

• Remain calm.

• Notify authorities immediately:

• Notify your facility supervisor, such as a manager, operator, or administrator, or follow your facility's standard operating procedure. (See below for assistance with developing a plan for your facility or location.)

    • Call 9-1-1 or your local law enforcement if no facility supervisor is available.

    • Refer to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Bomb Threat Checklist for guidance, if available.

    • For threats made via phone:

    • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Be polite and show interest to keep them talking.

• DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.

    • If possible, signal or pass a note to other staff to listen and help notify authorities.

    • Write down as much information as possible—caller ID number, exact wording of threat, type of voice or behavior, etc.—that will aid investigators.

    • Record the call, if possible.

• For threats made in person, via email, or via written note, refer to the DHS Bomb Threat Checklist and DHS-Department of Justice (DOJ) Bomb Threat Guidance for more information.

• Be available for interviews with facility supervisors and/or law enforcement.

• Follow authorities’ instructions. Facility supervisors and/or law enforcement will assess the situation and provide guidance regarding facility lock-down, search, and/or evacuation.


• Watch the Bomb Threat Training Video below and refer to the DHS-DOJ Bomb Threat Guidance for more information.

Swatting Guidance


For more information – please visit:




• Contact FAMU Department of Campus Safety and Security (FAMU DCSS) by dialing “3256” from any campus extension, directly at 850-599-3256, or use the Emergency Blue Light telephones located throughout the campus to report a crime.

• Any suspicious activity or person seen in the parking lots or loitering around vehicles, inside buildings or around the residential halls should be reported to the FAMU DCSS.


“What to Do: Suspicious or Unattended Item”: Demonstrates how you can determine whether an item is suspicious (potential bomb) or simply unattended and will help you prepare and react appropriately. 

For more information – please visit:

Reporting Procedures

• YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Swatting calls and bomb threats typically come in clusters. Situational awareness is key to eliminate chaos and ensure the safety of first responders and innocent victims.

• To improve situational awareness immediately report the details of the call to your Fusion Centers.

• Fusion Centers collate the information and distribute to the stakeholders as well as the FBI.

• Knowing you are not the only one receiving the threat informs your action and response. Reducing the risk to first responders and innocent victims.


Indicators of a Swatting Call
This is not an exhaustive list:

• The swatting call is the only incoming call reporting the incident. In a real incident multiple calls would be received. (Call the location to corroborate the details)

• Swatting calls are received by the non-emergency line. Swatters using VoIP services cannot dial 911 directly so have to call the non-emergency number.

• Swatting calls using VoIP services will appear as all zeros or nines, blocked, unavailable, or one of the default VoIP numbers. Skype, TextNow, Google Voice, etc.

• The caller’s demeanor is inconsistent with the claimed crises or threat. For example, the caller claims to have witnessed the shooting of several students, but they appear calm and with no background noise.

• Background noises include computer mouse clicking and/or typing. Callers use mapping tools and internet searches to answer follow-up questions or provide building address or names.

• The caller mispronounces names such as city, street, or building names. Swatting calls are commonly conducted by foreign perpetrators with thick accents who are unfamiliar with the local areas they target.

• The caller’s story changes or escalates when challenged with follow-up questions

• “Call of Duty Speak” - caller uses exotic or specific names of weapons from playing video games.

• Gunshots or explosions heard in the background are inconsistent with other noise or sound fake.


De-escalation Strategies
Identify inconsistencies by asking multiple questions and repeating those questions later in the call. Suggested questions include:

• “What is your full name?” (ask again later during call, and specifically ask for a middle name)

• “Where are you calling from?”

• “What is your call back phone number?”

• “Why didn't you call 911 directly?” (for VoIP calls to non-emergency number)

• “Why are you reporting yourself?”

• “Why is there no noise in the background?”

• “What is that noise in the background?” (when background noise is inconsistent with the story)

• “Why does it sound like you are typing on a computer keyboard?”

• “Are you targeting anyone in particular?


Guidance per FBI

For more information – please visit:

Chemicals used in the workplace can pose a serious health hazard to people. It is crucial to handle hazardous materials properly to prevent exposure to personnel and the environment. Here are some steps to take in case of chemical exposure or spill:

If Chemical Exposure Occurs:

• If toxic chemicals come into contact with your skin, immediately and continuously flush the affected area with clear water.

• Remove contaminated clothing.

• Call 911 immediately.

• Move to a safer area.


If A Chemical Spill Occurs:

• Immediately notify affected personnel and evacuate the spill area. Pull the building fire evacuation alarm if evacuation is required.

• Call 911 to report the incident to the FAMUPD Dispatch Center.

• For spills, releases, or incidents requiring special training, procedures, or personal protective equipment (PPE) that are beyond the abilities of present personnel, take additional steps.


Chemical Evacuation Instructions:

• Key persons on site should evacuate the affected area at once and seal it off to prevent further contamination of others until the arrival of emergency personnel.

• Anyone who is contaminated by the spill should avoid contact with others as much as possible and remain in the vicinity.

• Washing off contamination and any required first aid should be started immediately.

• No effort to contain or clean up spills and releases should be made unless you are “Authorized and Qualified” to perform such work.

• If an evacuation alarm sounds, follow established building evacuation procedures.

• Only re-enter the area once directed by emergency personnel.

The degree of protection required will depend on the agent, concentration, and risk of exposure from routine procedures and accidents. It is essential to follow all safety protocols and procedures to prevent chemical exposure and ensure the safety of everyone in the workplace.


IS-5.A: An Introduction to Hazardous Materials

For more information – please visit:
Department of Environmental Health and Safety

Hurricanes are among nature's most powerful and destructive phenomena. On average, 12 tropical storms, 6 of which become hurricanes form over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico during the hurricane season which runs from June 1 to November 30 each year. By knowing what actions to take before the hurricane season begins, when a hurricane approaches, and when the storm is in your area, as well as what to do after a hurricane leaves your area, you can increase your chance of survival.

Hurricane Hazards

• While hurricanes pose the greatest threat to life and property, tropical storms and depression also can be devastating. The primary hazards from tropical cyclones (which include tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes) are storm surge flooding, inland flooding from heavy rains, destructive winds, tornadoes, and high surf and rip currents.

• Storm surge is the abnormal rise of water generated by a storm's winds. This hazard is historically the leading cause of hurricane related deaths in the United States. Storm surge and large battering waves can result in large loss of life and cause massive destruction along the coast.

• Storm surge can travel several miles inland, especially along bays, rivers, and estuaries.

• Flooding from heavy rains is the second leading cause of fatalities from landfalling tropical cyclones. Widespread torrential rains associated with these storms often cause flooding hundreds of miles inland. This flooding can persist for several days after a storm has dissipated.

• Winds from a hurricane can destroy buildings and manufactured homes. Signs, roofing material, and other items left outside can become flying missiles during hurricanes.

• Tornadoes can accompany landfalling tropical cyclones. These tornadoes typically occur in rain bands well away from the center of the storm.

• Dangerous waves produced by a tropical cyclone's strong winds can pose a significant hazard to coastal residents and mariners. These waves can cause deadly rip currents, significant beach erosion, and damage to structures along the coastline, even when the storm is more than 1,000 miles offshore.


S-321: Hurricane Mitigation Basics for Mitigation Staff

IS-324.A: Community Hurricane Preparedness



What is a hurricane? (noaa.gov)

Hurricane Safety Tips and Resources (weather.gov)

What to Do Before the Tropical Storm or Hurricane

For more information – please contact:
Department of Emergency Management


What is a tornado?

A tornado is a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Because wind is invisible, it is hard to see a tornado unless it forms a condensation funnel made up of water droplets, dust and debris. Tornadoes can be among the most violent phenomena of all atmospheric storms we experience.

What is the difference between a Tornado WATCH and a Tornado WARNING?

Tornado WATCH is issued by the NOAA Storm Prediction Center meteorologists who watch the weather 24/7 across the entire U.S. for weather conditions that are favorable for tornadoes and severe weather. A watch can cover parts of a state or several states. Watch and prepare for severe weather and stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio to know when warnings are issued.

Tornado WARNING is issued by your local NOAA National Weather Service Forecast Office meteorologists who watch the weather 24/7 over a designated area. This means a tornado has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar and there is a serious threat to life and property to those in the path of the tornado. A tornado warning indicates that you should ACT NOW to find safe shelter! A warning can cover parts of counties or several counties in the path of danger.

How is tornado strength rated?

To determine the strength of a tornado, experts examine the damage it caused. From this information, we can estimate the wind speeds. An “Enhanced Fujita Scale” was implemented by the National Weather Service in 2007 to rate tornadoes in a more consistent and accurate manner. The EF-Scale takes into account more variables than the original Fujita Scale (F-Scale) when assigning a wind speed rating to a tornado, incorporating 28 damage indicators such as building type, structures and trees. For each damage indicator, there are 8 degrees of damage ranging from the beginning of visible damage to complete destruction of the damage indicator. The original F-scale did not take these details into account. The original F-Scale historical data base will not change. An F5 tornado rated years ago is still an F5, but the wind speed associated with the tornado may have been somewhat less than previously estimated. A correlation between the original F-Scale and the EF-Scale has been developed. This makes it possible to express ratings in terms of one scale to the other, preserving the historical database.


IS-271.A: Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk, 2nd Edition

Severe Weather 101: Tornado Basics (noaa.gov)

For more information – please contact:
Department of Emergency Management


What is a thunderstorm?

A thunderstorm is a rain shower during which you hear thunder. Since thunder comes from lightning, all thunderstorms have lightning.

What is the difference between a Severe Thunderstorm WATCH and a Severe Thunderstorm WARNING?

Severe Thunderstorm WATCH is issued by the NOAA Storm Prediction Center meteorologists who are watching the weather 24/7 across the entire U.S. for weather conditions that are favorable for severe thunderstorms. A watch can cover parts of a state or several states. Watch and prepare for severe weather and stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio to know when warnings are issued.

Severe Thunderstorm WARNING is issued by your local NOAA National Weather Service Forecast Office meteorologists who watch a designated area 24/7 for severe weather that has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar. Warnings mean there is a serious threat to life and property to those in the path of the storm. ACT now to find safe shelter! A warning can cover parts of counties or several counties in the path of danger.


Severe Weather 101: Thunderstorm Basics (noaa.gov)

For more information – please contact:
Department of Emergency Management

What is flooding?

Flooding is an overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods can happen during heavy rains, when ocean waves come on shore, when snow melts quickly, or when dams or levees break. Damaging flooding may happen with only a few inches of water, or it may cover a house to the rooftop. Floods can occur within minutes or over a long period, and may last days, weeks, or longer. Floods are the most common and widespread of all weather-related natural disasters.

Flash floods are the most dangerous kind of floods, because they combine the destructive power of a flood with incredible speed. Flash floods occur when heavy rainfall exceeds the ability of the ground to absorb it. They also occur when water fills normally dry creeks or streams or enough water accumulates for streams to overtop their banks, causing rapid rises of water in a short amount of time. They can happen within minutes of the causative rainfall, limiting the time available to warn and protect the public.

Where and when do floods occur?

Flooding occurs in every U.S. state and territory, and is a threat experienced anywhere in the world that receives rain. In the U.S. floods kill more people each year than tornadoes, hurricanes or lightning.

What areas are at risk from flash floods?

Densely populated areas are at a high risk for flash floods. The construction of buildings, highways, driveways, and parking lots increases runoff by reducing the amount of rain absorbed by the ground. This runoff increases the flash flood potential.

Sometimes, streams through cities and towns are routed underground into storm drains. During heavy rain, the storm drains can become overwhelmed or plugged by debris and flood the roads and buildings nearby. Low spots, such as underpasses, underground parking garages, basements, and low water crossings can become death traps.


Severe Weather 101: Flood FAQ (noaa.gov)

For more information – please contact:

Per NOAA: “Heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States. NOAA provides real-time forecasting and decision support for emergency managers and local communities before and during extreme heat events, as well as ongoing research into why extreme heat events occur and how communities can build equitable resilience to extreme heat through planning. Heat.gov: Your one-stop resource for extreme heat

In July 2022, NOAA as part of the interagency National Integrated Heat Health Information System, launched Heat.gov, a new website to provide the public, decision-makers and the news media with clear, timely and science-based information to understand and reduce the health risks of extreme heat. On its homepage, Heat.gov gives real time updates on what percentage of the country is under extreme heat advisories, watches and warnings. Among a wealth of resources, Heat.gov  includes heat forecasts from NOAA’s National Weather Service, the monthly Climate and Health Outlook developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC’s Heat and Health Tracker, information on the NOAA-supported Urban Heat Island Mapping Campaign.  

Heat monitoring and forecasting

NOAA issues outlooks for excessive heat 8-14 days, as well as 3-7 days in advance and provides hourly forecasts, advisories, watches and warnings when dangerous heat becomes likely or imminent.

Check Weather.gov to see if your area is at risk of an excessive heat event that would trigger one of the following National Weather Service heat alerts:

• An excessive heat warning is issued within 12 to 24 hours before the onset of extremely dangerous heat conditions.

• An excessive heat watch is issued when conditions are favorable for excessive heat in the next 24 to 72 hours.

• A heat advisory is issued within 12 hours of the onset of dangerous heat conditions.

NOAA also keeps track of the proportion of the U.S. population currently under heat advisories, watches and warnings. NOAA provides real-time heat index outlooks for excessive heat, and NOAA’s local weather forecast offices work closely with emergency managers in local communities when extreme heat is in the forecast. NOAA’s satellites can detect the land surface temperatures during extreme heat. Data collected from NOAA’s fleet of Earth-observing satellites are the backbone of the forecast models that predict extreme heat waves across the U.S. Stay safe during an extreme heat event with these helpful tips, and use this tool to calculate the heat index when extreme heat is in the forecast.”


Resources provided per NOAA

For more information – please contact:
FAMU Emergency Management

Per Cyber Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA):

“Cyberspace is particularly difficult to secure due to a number of factors: the ability of malicious actors to operate from anywhere in the world, the linkages between cyberspace and physical systems, and the difficulty of reducing vulnerabilities and consequences in complex cyber networks. Implementing safe cybersecurity best practices is important for individuals as well as organizations of all sizes. Using strong passwords, updating your software, thinking before you click on suspicious links, and turning on multi-factor authentication are the basics of what we call “cyber hygiene” and will drastically improve your online safety. These cybersecurity basics apply to both individuals and organizations. For both government and private entities, developing and implementing tailored cybersecurity plans and processes is key to protecting and maintaining business operations. As information technology becomes increasingly integrated with all aspects of our society, there is increased risk for wide scale or high-consequence events that could cause harm or disrupt services upon which our economy and the daily lives of millions of Americans depend.”

“The risk of cyberattacks from malicious cyber actors is ever present in today’s digital world. Every organization in the U.S. – including K-12 schools – is at risk from cyber threats that can disrupt essential services and potentially impact safety. To combat these threats, CISA offers resources, services, and tools to educate personnel and students on smart online practices and help schools reduce their exposure to cyber risks. These efforts include a dedicated campaign around the importance of multi-factor authentication, which is a combination of two or more security measures to verify identity, and resources to tackle ransomware. School communities can also access CISA’s free cybersecurity services and tools, and check out the Cyber Safety Series for actionable tips on some of the most common online safety issues.”


Resources for cybersecurity

For more information – please contact:
Forward suspicious emails to phishbowl@famu.edu


More Resources



Emergency Management Training with Residential Hall Directors

Emergency Management Training with Residential Hall Directors

  • July 2023 - Excited to have had the opportunity to educate our dedicated residential hall directors on emergency management! As we gear up for the upcoming fall semester and the peak of hurricane preparedness, it's crucial to be well-prepared. Together, we are committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for our future leaders.

FAMU collaborated with FEMA, FSU, and Missouri's Urban Search & Rescue Taskforce 1

  • June 2023 - FAMU collaborated with FEMA, FSU, and Missouri's Urban Search & Rescue Taskforce 1 to conduct inaugural UAS flights over Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, capturing crucial imagery for pre- and post-disaster impact assessments. 

  • Hurricane Exercise 2023 Pictures



Contact Us

Department of Emergency Management
School of Journalism & Graphic Communication
510 Orr Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32307