Title III

Mission Statement

The Office of Title III strategically leverages Title III funds to enhance Florida A&M University’s academic excellence, institutional effectiveness, financial resilience, and student success outcomes. Through these efforts, we aim to expand and strengthen the University’s capacity to serve our diverse student body with distinction, ensuring long-term growth and innovation in support of Florida A&M University’s mission, vision, and values.

Title III 2024-2025 Funded Activities


Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education Act (FUTURE)

Project Name

Activity Director



Shannon Smith

Improve licensure pass rates.

STEM Student Success Initiatives

Pierre Ngnepieba

Retention, progression and graduation in STEM.

Brooksville Training Program

Oghenekome Onokpise

Research training labs designed to enhance student learning through hands-on and virtual delivery in: 1) Veterinary Diagnostic, 2) Plant and Genetics, 3) Water and Soil, and 4) a multipurpose laboratory.

Academic Technology Integration Project

Franzetta Fitz

Provides innovative learning resources in STEM and health profession that will assist faculty and staff to improve teaching and learning processes by leveraging advanced technology to promote effective learning.

Interdisciplinary Health Science Initiatives

Mary Simmons

Enhancing “Life-like” learning experiences for students in health professions through simulation.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)

Academic Success Institute

Jennifer Collins

Provides an exceptional experience through intrusive advising and counseling designed to address mental health and improve students’ academic success, with an expected outcome of increasing the University’s progression, retention and graduation rates.

Engineering Learning Community

Charmane Caldwell

Bridge program that provides engineering undergraduate students with specialized tutoring and peer-to-peer support.

Online Education/Distance Learning

Franzetta Fitz

Increase online learning programs and courses offered to include other alternative delivery methods.

Honors Program

Deidre Evans

Infuse honor courses across disciplines and provide continuous peer-to-peer support to improve progression and graduation of the honor students.

Academic Support-Library

Faye Watkins

Provide and increase electronic library resources to faculty and students.

Teacher Education and Certification

Errol Wilson

Increase the number of certified teachers in elementary and secondary education.

Strengthening Institutional Effectiveness

Roddrick Jones

New degree programs, specialized accreditation, administrative research and reporting.

Institutional Development and Capacity Building

Shawnta Friday-Stroud

Improve the fiscal stability utilizing administrative tools such as: training, software and research materials.

International Study (Exchange Program)

William Hyndman

Infuse international programing in selected curriculars. Enhance and improve student awareness of and encourage international internship opportunities, regulatory requirement and safety measures while abroad.

Enhancing Financial Literacy

Shawnta Friday-Stroud

Provide training to students and parents to reduce student debt and improve the University’s Cohort Default Rate.

Organizational Development and Training

Shanna Barber

Improve knowledge base of institutional business platforms and processes for faculty and staff through administrative management training designed to improve customer service and delivery.

Technology Infrastructure

Robert Seniors

Implement, maintain and upgrade academic and administrative technology in delivering access, business processes, cybersecurity for all internal and external technological access points. Upgrading labs with state-of-the-art equipment and software in various labs.

Elementary and Secondary Education Outreach

Alicia Hudson


Provides academic support and STEM experiences to elementary and secondary education students designed to develop their academic skills and pursue postsecondary education.

Developing an Undergraduate Research Program

Tiffany Ardley

Increase the number of students receiving research experiences in programs of strategic emphasis.

Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI)

Pharmacy Program Administration

Seth Ablordeppy

Provide fellowships, scholarships and support curricular revisions designed to improve licensure pass rates.

Minority Graduate Engineering

Carl Moore

Provide fellowships and scholarships designed to increase the number of students graduating with doctoral degrees in underrepresented disciplines.

Advancing Graduate Studies in Environmental Sciences

Victor Ibeanusi

Provide fellowships, scholarships and assistantships designed to increase the number of students graduating with doctoral degrees in underrepresented disciplines.

Enhancing Library Resources and Services for Graduate

Faye Watkins

Increase access to library resources for faculty and students in graduate programs of strategic emphasis.

Enhancement of J.D. Program at the College of Law

Cecil Howard

Provide fellowships and scholarships designed to increase the number of students graduating with professional degrees in Law. Develop and revise curricula designed to improve Bar pass rates.

Enhancing School of Architecture and Engineering Technology

Andrew Chin

Provides assistantship support in an underrepresented discipline. Improve students’ industry knowledge through lecture series and state-of-the-art equipment.

Enhancing Graduate Programs in Health.

Odell Stroud

Provide tutoring, research assistantship and support for specialized accreditation. Develop and revise curricular in Physical and Occupation Therapy, conduct data analytics designed to improve licensure pass rates.

Enhancing Graduate Programs in Science

Richard Long

Providing financial support and assistantships for masters, and Ph.D. students in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Information Systems. Revamp research labs to 21st century state-of-the-art facilities.

Strengthening Academic Programs in Nursing

Shannon Smith

Support major curricula revisions, modifications and program development.   Conduct data analytics, provide tutoring and pre-testing tools designed to improve licensure pass rates.