Division of Finance and Administration Mission, Vision & Values

The Division of Finance and Administration strives to provide excellent business, financial, facilities, and technological support services necessary for the University to meet its overall mission.

  • icon of bullseye with an arrowOUR MISSION

    To consistently deliver high quality services that drive student success, financial stability, campus and infrastructure sustainability and a compliant and productive work environment.
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    To aspire to our fullest potential as a finance and administrative organization that delivers exceptional services to facilitate a premier, land-grant, doctoral research university that produces globally competitive graduates.


  • icon of open palm hand with diamonds shapes floating above


  • ◆ Student and Stakeholder Focus

    ◆ Innovation in Processes and Services

    ◆ Financial Integrity and Transparency

    ◆ Aesthetic, Safe and Sustainable Physical Resource

    ◆ Rapidly Adapting to Changing Stakeholder Needs

    ◆ Striving for Both High Quality and Cost Efficiency