The Budget Process & Principles

The Budget Process & Principles

  • icon of roadmapping line art. A money symbol on the right end, and a target on the leftBudget Process

    The budget process establishes a base allocation level for each of the divisions (mainly salaries and benefits).

    Level 1: An allocation is requested from the respective divisions. This is to ensure a reasonable allocation can be made that provides equitable distribution of resources within the financial constraints of the University.

    Level 2: An allocation is made back to the head of the division (usually the Vice President). The division head is then responsible for establishing an allocation process and monitoring plan for resources entrusted in them.

  • icon of a Equal scales/ balance symbol

    Budget Principles

    ◆ Support the chosen directions and priorities of the University through the President

    ◆ Provide certainty of allocation within the realities of funding

    ◆ Equitable based on the direction and priorities of the University

    ◆ Utilize minimum resources to administer the allocation process

    ◆ Decentralize decision-making to the President, Provost and Vice Presidents

    ◆ Provide easy method to ensure funds are allocated as approved by the President, Provost and Vice Presidents