Ana Orosco

Ana Tricarico Orosco

Payroll Clearing-Acad Affairs

Office Hours

Walter Smith Architecture Bldg Room #207

Monday       1:30-4:30 PM

Wednesday 1:30-4:30 PM

Friday           1:30-4:30 PM

About Me

Ana Tricarico Orosco is a Visiting Assistant Professor at FAMU. With 5 years of practice, a Master of Architecture from Louisiana State University (LSU), in addition to a dual Bachelor degree in Visual Arts and Education from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, Brazil), Ana has a unique combination of professional work, coastal research, and graphic design skills. Throughout her career, she has won two fellowships, two honorable mentions in design competitions, and traveled abroad to represent LSU. She believes academic and professional experiences are informed and enriched by an exchange of knowledge between the university and practice communities.

Areas of Interest

  • Coastal Resilience
  • Climate Breakdown
  • Design Education


  • Master of Architecture • 2017
    Louisiana State University (LSU) 
  • AAS - Drafting and Design Technology • 2014
    Sowela Technical Community College
  • Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts  •  2011
    Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) 
  • Bachelor of Arts in Education  • 2011
    Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) 

Work History

  • Visiting Assistant Professor • 2021-Present
    Florida A&M University (FAMU)
  • Visiting Critic  • 2021
    Carleton University 
  • Architectural Associate • 2016 - 2021
    Hoffpauir Studio 
  • Intern Architect  • 2013 - 2014
    Griggs, Mitchell, and Associates 
  • Teaching Assistant • 2016 - 2017
    Louisiana State University 
  • Graduate Research Assistant  • 2015 - 2016
    Coastal Sustainability Studio
  • Teaching Assistant • 2014 – 2015
    Louisiana State University 
  • Teaching Intern   • 2011
    Nise da Silveira Institute 
  • Teaching Intern   • 2010


  • Park, S., Kaul, D., Orosco, A., Chin, A. Using Virtual Reality to Visualize Sea  Level Rise Impact and Mitigation Proceedings of ARCC 2023 International Conference in  Dallas, TX. (Forthcoming, Spring 2023) 
  • Orosco, A. The Alternating Dock. Proceedings of ARCC-EAAE 2022 International  Conference in Miami, FL. 


  • Apalachicola Cultural Planning (ACP) Project (FAMU) 2022-Present | Faculty coordinator 

PI: Andrew Chin | Andrew Mellon Foundation 

  • Visualizing Sea-Level Rise Grant (FAMU) 2021-2022| Faculty coordinator 

PI: Sang Park, Ph.D. | State of Florida Division of Historical Resources. 

  • The Stevens School Oral History + VR Project Grant (FAMU) 2021-2022| Faculty coordinator 

PI: Sang Park, Ph.D. State of Florida Division of Historical Resources.



  • Designing Resilience in Asia 2016 | Honorable Mention  

Group Design Competition, LSU | Published: Adaptation and Codes: Designing and Building in Flood Prone Environments (chapter) Designing Resilience in Asia, National University of Singapore Press 

  • D3 Natural Systems Competition 2015 | Honorable Mention  

Group Design Competition, Coastal Sustainability Studio at LSU  

  • AAUW Selected Professions Fellowship 2015 - 2016 
  • Edward and Yvonne Harvey Scholarship in Architecture 2015 - 2016  
  • Global Citizenship Program (GCP 58) Fellowship 2013   

Courses Taught At FAMU

  • ARC 1160 Architectural Computer Applications
  • ARC 2201 Theory in Architecture
  • ARC 1302 Design 1.2
  • ARC 2303 Architectural Design 2.1
  • ARC 4342 Architectural Design 4.2
  • ARC 5364 Architectural Design 4