About Assessment Committees
Institutional Level Assessment Committee (ILAC)
The Institutional Level Assessment Committee (ILAC) was formed to provide leadership
in the implementation of the university’s assessment system. The ILAC committee spearheads
the development and monitoring of the implementation of FAMU’s assessment processes.
Below are specific roles and responsibilities of ILAC.
Specific Roles and Responsibilities of ILAC include:
- Providing leadership for the development and implementing of campus-wide institutional
assessment strategies.
- Establishing and monitoring the annual assessment calendar.
- Reviewing submitted assessment reports against plans submitted by instructional programs,
administrative and educational support services and recommending revisions as appropriate.
- Recommending the development, acquisition and use of attitudinal and other types of
surveys/questionnaires as institutional assessment instruments.
- Verifying that assessment results have been used for programmatic or service improvements
(“closing the loop”).
- Assessing the institutional assessment practices and making recommendations to the
administration (Provost, President and BOT) for strengthening the assessment of teaching
and learning processes.
- Recommending channels and the types of information that can be routinely communicated
campus-wide and to the external constituencies/stakeholders.
General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC)
The University recognizes that a liberal arts foundation is essential to supporting
the process of learning in the respective program majors. For this reason, in August
2004, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs appointed members to the
newly formed General Education Assessment Committee (GEAC). This committee’s major
charge is to provide oversight and leadership for the design, development and implementation
of a systematic general education assessment plan for the university.
The GEAC is comprised of representatives from the following programs and areas: Arts
and Sciences (Biology, English, Math, and Philosophy), Business, Journalism, Nursing,
Pharmacy, two undergraduate students and two Faculty Senate members.
Specific roles and responsibilities of GEAC include:
- Establishing and streamlining a systematic process for the assessment of the general
education program.
- Identifying college-level knowledge and competencies for the general education program
that are linked to FAMU's mission and goals and Florida State accountability systems.
- Developing an assessment plan for general education program.
- Monitoring the implementation of the planned general education assessment activities.
- Recommending appropriate assessment strategies to the Institutional Level Assessment
- Providing documentation about the results of State mandated assessments of core specific
skills and abilities. Specifically, providing evidence that FAMU graduates have attained
the expected core knowledge and competencies.
- Furnishing the Institutional Level Assessment Committee with the results of general
education assessments.
- Documenting evidence that the assessment results have been used for the improvement
of the general education program.
- Recommending strategies for strengthening the outcomes of the general education program.