Faculty Senate Committees

Explore all of our Faculty Senate committees and Faculty Senate Representatives

Faculty Senate Committees

Explore all of our Faculty Senate committees and Faculty Senate Representatives

In consultation with the President, the Steering Committee shall arrange the agenda for meetings, including reporting to the Faculty Senate by the President, other administrative officers, and standing and special committees, and other appropriate individuals who have requested or have been invited to appear before the Senate

Committee Members:

The Committee on Committees elects a chairperson at its first fall meeting convened by the Senate Vice-President. It appoints all Faculty Senate Committees and recommends to the President nominees for appointment to all non-elective, University-wide committees, and other bodies as determined by the President of the University

Committee Members:


Committee Members:

The Constitution Committee shall meet periodically, at intervals not to exceed five years, to evaluate the effectiveness of the current Constitution. The committee will examine and determine whether the existing documents are compatible with changes to the Florida Statutes, the Board of Trustees and/or Board of Governors rules and regulations, University policies, and collective bargaining requirements. When appropriate, the Constitution Committee shall make recommendations for the revision and/or amendment to the Constitution, which shall be considered and approved according to the amendment process stipulated in Article VII of the Constitution. A representative of the University general counsel's office shall be ex-officio, voting member of the Constitution Committee.


Ad Hoc Faculty-Admin Communication Committee:

The committee should develop ideas for enhancing communication and relations between the administration and faculty. 

Ad Hoc 360 Evaluation Committee:

To convey the importance of this evaluation tool in order to maintain the mission and goals of the university. This tool will help to assess the strengths and weaknesses, self-awareness and professional development of our Deans and Administrators. This is not meant to be a vindictive measure and is solely for growth and development and the overall good of the university. Morale is low. We need to be proactive and do what needs to be done for the greater good of Florida A&M University.


University Executive Council

Senate  Representatives

The Executive Council, also known as the Senior Leadership Team, shall serve as an advisory body to the president on policy and other matters of university concern. It shall consist of the president, all vice presidents, two faculty representatives elected by the Faculty Senate from its voting membership for two-year staggered terms, and other persons from the University community selected by the president. The president shall preside at the meetings.

University Budget Council

Senate  Representatives

The University Budget Council shall be responsible for recommending the University's policies and procedures in the budgetary process. The Budget Committee shall consist of the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, vice president/CFO Finance and Administration, budget director, two faculty representatives elected by the Faculty Senate from its voting membership for two-year staggered terms, and other persons selected by the president or their designee. It may recommend to the president such additional standing and special committees as it deems necessary to implement its policies and procedures.

University Dean’s Council

Senate  Representatives

The University Academic Council, also known as the Council of Academic Deans or Deans’ Council, shall advise the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs on policy and other matters related to academic affairs. The University Academic Council shall consist of the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, who shall serve as presiding officer, deans of academic units, director of Continuing Education, registrar, dean of libraries, two faculty representatives elected by the Faculty Senate from its voting membership for two-year staggered terms, and other persons from the University community selected at the discretion of the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

FAMU Foundation – Board Committee

Senate  Representatives

The FAMU Foundation Board’s fiduciary responsibility is to raise, manage, and administer private resources to support the mission and priorities of the University, as established by the Board of Trustees and the FAMU President. The Faculty representative serves a term of one (1) year commencing immediately following appointment and continuing through the Board Meeting closest to the end of one year. The Faculty representative can be re-elected for an additional term after showing a desire for continued membership in writing. Board members are expected to attend all meetings unless they have notified the Board Chair of an absence in advance of a meeting. The Board typically meets two times each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Sub-committees may also meet telephonically as required. Board members serve on at least two (2) Board Committees concurrently during their tenure on the Board.