Research Compliance


Research compliance refers to the adherence to ethical, legal, and professional standards in the conduct of research.

It covers a broad range including general guidelines about conducting research responsibly, effort reporting requirements, and specific regulations governing a type of research, such as animal welfare research.   


Foreign Influence

As of July 2021, the Florida legislature enacted several laws surrounding state universities and their interactions with foreign sources. This includes enhanced employment screenings, additional reporting requirements, travel guidelines, and restrictions on agreements with foreign sources.   

1010.25, F.S.

Each institution of higher education shall report gifts, as defined in section 1010.25, Florida Statutes, valued at $50,000 or more received from a foreign source directly or indirectly during the fiscal year. If a foreign source provides more than one gift in a single fiscal year and the total value of those gifts is $50,000 or more, all gifts received from that foreign source must be reported. The semi-annual reporting requirement must be made each January 31st and July 31st to the Board of Governors in a manner prescribed by the Chancellor. 

Foreign Gifts and Reporting 


Section 117 of the Higher Education Act

Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) requires institutions of higher education that receive federal financial assistance to disclose semiannually to the U.S. Department of Education any gifts received from and contracts with a foreign source that, alone or combined, are valued at $250,000 or more in a calendar year. The statute also requires institutions to report information when owned or controlled by a foreign source. 

Disclosure of Foreign Gifts 

1010.35, F.S.

Florida Statute 1010.35 requires each state university and specified state entity with a research budget of $10 million or more to screen applicants for research positions who are citizens of a foreign country or have/had specified affiliation(s) with a foreign country of concern. The law requires a designated research integrity office to take reasonable steps to verify nformation listed in applications and report any substantial non-disclosures. The Office of Compliance and Ethics works closely with the Office of Animal Welfare and Research Integrity to maintain compliance with this law.  

1010.36. F.S.

Florida A&M University (FAMU or University) supports its students, faculty, and staff who seek to engage in international travel and activities abroad. The University recognizes the importance of international collaboration and the role of international travel to pursue opportunities for collaboration and studying abroad programs; however, the University also desires to inform FAMU students, faculty, and staff of the risks associated with their international travel. 1010.36, F.S. requires an international travel approval and monitoring program. The requirements of this statute cover any employment-related foreign travel and employment-related foreign activities engaged in by all faculty, researchers, and research department staff. All requests for foreign travel must follow the guidelines set forth in the state and federal laws, as well as institutional guidelines. 

International Travel Policy 

Beginning July 1, 2023, a state university, including any entity under the control of or established for the benefit of a state university, authorized to expend state-appropriated funds may not accept any grant from or participate in any new or renewed agreement with any college or university based in a foreign country of concern, or with any foreign principal without approval from the Board of Governors. 

International Cultural Agreements